Our lab works broadly on biogeochemistry and ecosystem science, applied to a wide variety of both theoretical and practical questions. We enjoy trying to understand some of nature's complexity, and we believe strongly in applying objective science to sustaining the biosphere and human society. Our research encompasses a wide range of spatial scales, from microbial to ecosystem, regional, and global. Our research includes a broad range of inter-connected topical areas, illustrated below. Note that much of our research and many of our papers fall into two or more of these categories. Click on a topic to further explore research in the Howarth-Marino lab.
Recent News
EEB Symposium Presentation
Amy Hinesley gave a poster presentation in the EEB symposium about her work looking at atmospheric ammonia deposition in Skaneateles Lake
Connect NY episode on the CLCPA
Dr. Howarth was on the Connect NY show on WCYN TV, discussing the status of implementing the State's CLCPA climate law with State Senator May and others. Click here to watch the episode.
NY Climate Action Council passes final scoping plan
At the Dec 19th meeting of the NY Climate Action Council, the council voted 19-3 to pass the scoping plan they've been working on since March 2020. The Plan was required by the NY Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act to be produced by the end of this month, and is the blueprint which all NY State agencies and authorities must now follow to reduce our State's greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030, to make sure 70% of our electricity is from renewables by 2030, to make sure all of our electricity is zero emissions by 2040, and to lead to zero net emissions from all economic sectors statewide by 2050. Howarth is a member of the council, and you can read his statement about the scoping plan here.
You can watch an interview with Dr. Howarth and Raya Salter on Spectrum TV's Capital Tonight show at this link. Dr. Howarth also testified before a combined hearing of several committees of the NY State Senate about the plan on January 19th, 2023. His testimony starts at 15 minutes. You can watch the hearing on YouTube, view the witness list, and read Dr. Howarth's testimony.
Recent Publications
Howarth 2024. The Greenhouse Gas Footprint of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Exported from the United States. Energy Science & Engineering
Marino et al 2023. Nitrogen fixation associated with epiphytes on the seagrass Zostera marina in a temperate lagoon with moderate to high nitrogen loads. Biogeochemistry
Howarth 2022. Methane Emissions from the Production and Use of Natural Gas. EM Magazine from the Air & Waste Management Association
Howarth and Jacobson 2022. Reply to comment on "How Green is Blue Hydrogen?". Energy Science & Engineering
Haviland et al. 2022. Variation in sediment and seagrass characteristics reflect multiple stressors along a nitrogen-enrichment gradient in a New England lagoon. Limnology and Oceanography
Howarth and Jacobson, 2021. How green is blue hydrogen? Energy Science & Engineering